Our human resources values

As a company that has accepted that service and product quality depends on the quality of its employees, we aim to work with candidates who have adopted our values and we manage our recruitment processes with this awareness.

  • Honesty, Reliability and Responsibility
  • Has a leader and visionary perspective
  • Innovation, Creativity and Openness to Change
  • Efficiency and Efficiency
  • Quality and Result Orientation
  • Team spirit and awareness of its importance
  • Employee and Customer satisfaction
  • Opportunity Equality
  • Transparency
  • Compliance with the Law

Our Human Resources principles

We value and respect existing differences with the belief that a workforce that brings together different cultures creates the most efficient working team. As an international company, we assume all citizens of a country as our potential customers.

  • We consider my human resources not only the most important resource of our company, but also our main asset that manages all resources.
  • As a company, we strive to be a company that qualified personnel candidates primarily prefer and want to work with.
  • When choosing a colleague, he will add value to our company, adopt and keep our values ​​alive; We do this by observing the principles of equal opportunity among people with high development potential and the knowledge and skills required by the job.
  • We know that our success depends on customer satisfaction and the motivation of our employees, we carry out studies and activities to keep these criteria at the highest level.
  • In order to increase the personal development of our employees, we evaluate our employees in a system that considers equal opportunity. In this evaluation; We do this by taking into account criteria such as the development of his personal profile, the completion of his duties and the appreciation of superiors.
  • We create qualified and tailored employment
  • We encourage social and cultural activities
  • We provide feedback to individuals on their performance.